Hello there,
Welcome to old school web pages.
They were one step above gopher but loaded quickly
even on slow connections. Not to mention it worked on small screens.
We didn't need a version for laptops and a version for phones and a version
for home computers... we programmed for speed and simplicity. Pages worked
on all devices or it was considered poor development.
We used to have our own "home" pages with all our links
and searches that we used most often.
StartPage Search Engine
I think what is most different today is that it used to be about
information, not advertising. The monitization of the web has made many
people very rich but it has ruined the internet. If it is just information
you are looking for then text is wonderful. We didn't need to watch someone
reading a magazine to us in a video... we know how to read and search text.
I love gopher. If you have a gopher browser or plugin
you might like these links.
My Gopherhole
MtxDev Gopher
SDF Gopher
FloodGap Gopher
QUUX Gopher
If you need a gopher proxy or software try
THIS LINK at floodgap
Or Mel's universe at SDF